リンデ歯周病学 歯周病










Systemic antibiotics

Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 第6版第43章 Antibiotics in Periodontal Therapy(歯周治療における抗生物質)




Only a limited number of the large range of antimicrobial agents has been tested tholoughly for use in periodontal therapy. The drugs most extensively investigated for systemic use include tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline, clindamycin,ampicillin,amoxicillin(with or without clavulanic acid), macrolides such as erythromycin, spiramycin, azithromycine and clarithromycine,and the nitro-imidazole compounds metronidazole and omidazole, and certain combinations thereof. The first antibiotics used in periodontal therapy were mainly systemically administered penicillins. The choice was initially exclusively based on empirical evidence. Penicillins and cephalosporins act by inhibition of cell wall synthesis. They have a narrow spectrum of activity and are bactericidal. Among the penicillins, amoxicillin has been favored for treatment of periodontal disease because of its considerable activity  against several periodontal pathogens at levels achievable in gingival fluid. The molecular structure of penicillins includes a β-lactam ring that may be cleaved by bacterial enzymes. Some bacterial βlactamases havea high affinity for clavulanic acid, a β-lactam molecule without antimicrobial activity. To inhibit bacterial β-lactamase activity,clavulanic acid has been added successfully to amoxicillin. This combination(Augmentin⑭)has been tested for periodontal therapy in clinical studies. Tetracycline-HCl became popular in the1970s due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and low toxicity.  The tetracyclines, clindamycin, and macrolides are inhibitors of protein synthesis. They have a broad spectrum of activity and are bacteriostatic. In addition to their antimicrobial effect, tetracyclines are capable of inhibiting collagenase.  This inhibition may interfere with tissue breakdown in periodontal disease. Furthermore, they bind to tooth surfaces, from where they may be released slowly over time. 


ニトロイミダゾール(メトロニダゾールとオルニダゾール)とキノロン系抗生物質(例: シプロフロキサシン)は、DNA合成を阻害することにより作用します。

The nitro-imidazoles were introduced into the periodontal field in 1962 when The Lancet published the report of a female patient, who after a week of treatment for trichomonal vaglnitis with metronidazole declared she had undergone “a double cure”. The vaginitis was cured and the “acute marginal gingivitis” she was also suffering from was relieved(Shim1962).The nitro-imidazoles(metronidazole and ornidazole)and the quinolone antibiotics(e.g. Ciprofloxacin)act by inhibiting DNA synthesis. Metronidazole is known to convert into several short-lived intermediates after diffusion into an anaerobic organism. These products react with the DNA and other bacterial macromolecules,resulting in cell death. The process involves reductive pathways characteristic of strictly anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, but not aerobic or microaerophilic organisms. Thus, metronidazole is active specifically against the obligately anaerobic part of the oral flora, including P. gingivalis and other black-pigmenting Gram-negative organisms, but not A.actinomycetemcomitans,the latter being a facultative anaerobe.The concentrations following systemic administration of the most common antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of periodontal disease are listed in Table43-2. The in vitro susceptibility of A.actinomycetemcomitans to selected antimicrobial agents is given In Tble43-3 and of P.gingivalis in Table43-4. The data given in these tables may serve as a base for the choice of an appropriate agent. However,it is important to remember that in vitro tests do not reflect the true conditions found in periodontal pockets. In particular,they do not account for the biofilm effect.In addition, MIC values depend on technical details that may vary between laboratories. As a consequence, demonstration of in vitro susceptibility is no proof that an agent will be effective in the treatment of periodontal disease.


Combination antimicrobial drug therapy

メトロニダゾールとそのヒドロキシ代謝産物、およびこれら2つの化合物とアモキシシリンの併用で A.アクチノミセテムコミタンスに対する相乗効果が、イン・ビトロで認められています。

Since the subgingival microbiota in periodontitis often harbors several putative periodontopathic species with different antimicrobial susceptibility, combination antimicrobial drug therapy with a wider spectrum of activity than a single agent may be useful. Overlaps in the antimicrobial spectrums of different agents may reduce the possible development of bacterial resistance. Some combinations of drugs have a synergistic action against target organisms, allowing lower doses of the single agents to be used. A synergistic effect against A.actinomycetemcomitans has been noted in vitro between metronidazole and its hydroxy metabolite (Jousimies-Somer et al.1988; Pavicic et al.1991)and between these two compounds and amoxicillin(Pavicic et al・1992). Some drugs,however,may interact antagonistically. For instance, bacteriostatic agents such as tetracyclines,which suppress cell division, may decrease the antimicrobial effect of bactericidal antibiotics such as β-lactam drugs or metronidazole, which act during bacterial cell division. Combination drug therapy may also lead to increased adverse reactions.


Adverse reactions


Table43-5 lists common adverse reactions to systemic antibiotic therapy(for a detailed overview,See Hersh&Moore2008)・The penicillins are among the least toxic antibiotics. Hypersensitivity reactions are by far the most important and most common adverse effects of these drugs. Most reactions are mild and limited to a rash or skin lesion in the head or neck region. More severe reactions may induce swelling and tenderness of joints. In highly sensitized patients,a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction may develop. The systemic use of tetracyclines may lead to epigastric pain, vomiting or diarrhea. Tetracyclines can induce changes in the intestinal flora, and superinfections with non bacterial microorganisms(e.g. Candidaalbicans)may emerge. Tetracyclines are deposited in calcifying areas of teeth and bones where they cause yellow discoloration. Systemic administration of clindamycin may be accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances,leading to diarrhea or cramps, and may cause mild skin rashes. The suppression of the normal intestinal flora increases the risk for colonization of Clostridium difficill, which may cause a severe colon infection(antibiotic-associated colitis). Although not related to C. dmcile, gastrointestinal problems are also the most frequent adverse event of systemic metronidazole therapy. Nausea,headache, anorexia, and vomiting may be experienced. Symptoms may be more pronounced with alcohol consumption(disulfiram or Antabuse-like effect), because imidazoles inhibit the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the ethanol degradation pathway , resulting in an accumulation of acetaldehyde. Alcohol consumption should therefore be avoided during and immediately after therapy. As cases of permanent peripheral neuropathies(numbness or paresthesia)have been reported,patients should be advised to stop therapy immediately if such symptoms occur. Metronidazole has shown evidence of carcinogenic activity in studies involving chronic oral administration in mice and rats,but not in other tested species. Due to inadequate evidence,metronidazole is not considered a risk factor for cancer in humans(Bendesky et al. 2002)・ Previously unrecognized candidiasis may show more prominent symptoms during antibiotic therapy.


Systemic antimicrobial therapy in clinical trials


Although clinical efficacy is not an absolute proof for bacteriologic efficac(Marchant et al 1992),evidence advocating the use of systemic antibiotics must come from clinical trials in humans with periodontitis. A large number of reports suggesting beneficial effects in various clinical situations have been published. However, many of these have a high risk of bias due to low scores in quality criteria. Studies may be difficult to interpret and compare due to an unclear patient status at baseline(treatment history disease activity, composition of subgingival microbiota),insufficient or non-standardized maintenance after therapy, short observation periods, or lack of randomization and controls. Studies not only vary with regard to the treatment provided, but also in the selection of subjects, sample size,range of study parameters, outcome variables, duration, and the controls to which the test procedure is compared. In most trials, systemic antibiotics have been used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing(SRP)・Typically,the effect of mechanical therapy plus the antimicrobial agent has been compared to mechanical treatment alone or placebo. In studies evaluating the effect of antimicrobial therapy in patients with refractory periodontitis or with recurrent abscess formation, a placebo control is often lacking for ethical reasons.


A decade ago, in the context of consensus conferences issuing recommendations for periodontal care, the benefit of adjunctive systemically administered antibiotics was assessed for the first time in two systematic reviews.Herrera et al.(2002)included 25 controlled clinical trials of at least 6 months, duration in which systemically healthy subjects with chronic or aggressive forms of periodontitis were treated with or without adjunctive systemic antibiotics. On the whole,patients treated with antibiotics showed beter results than patients not receiving antibiotics. In deep pockets, a specific benefit in terms of change of periodontal clinical attachment level (CAL) was found for the combination of amoxicillin plus metronidazole,as was true for spiramycin with regards to changes in probing pocket depth(PPD)・Results with metronidazole alone showed a tendency to statistical significance. Haffajee et al.(2003)included 27controlled clinical trials with a follow-up of >1month and using mean CAL change as the primary outcome.   With in a broad range of therapeutic protocols, metronidazole, alone or in combination with amoxicillin,was the most frequently used drug. In all studies, the antibiotic groups showed significantly better mean CAL changes than the control groups. Trials allowing a more detailed analysis indicated antibiotics to have the greatest effect in sites with deep pockets(Lindhe et al.1983a,b;Palmeretal.1996,1998;Winkeletal.1999;Rambergetal・2001;Winkeletal・2001;Rooney et al.2002). Specifically,useful antibiotic regimens for distinct clinical or microbiologic conditions could, however,not be identified based on the evidence available at that time. Definite conclusions could also not be made concerning the optimal dosage and duration of antibiotic therapy.



Further well-designed trials have been conducted since that substantiate the benefit of adjunctive antibiotics and provide further information. Twentythree more recent articles concerning 18 randomized clinical trials, consistently corroborate the specific benefit of supplementing SRP with amoxicillin plus metronidazole(Ehmke et al.2003,2005;Guerrero et al・2005)Mombelli et al. 2005; Giannopoulou et al.2006; Xajigeorg et al. 2006;Guerrero et al・2007)Kaner et al. 2007b;Moeintaghavi et al・2007iMoreira&Feres-Filho2007; Akincibayetal. 2008Johnson et al. 2008;Machtei&Younis2008iCionca et al.2009;Ribeiro Edel et al.2009;Valenzaetal.2009;Cionca et al.2010;Mestnik et al.2010;Yeketal・2010;Baltacioglu et al・2011;Heller et al.2011;Silva et al.2011;Varela et al.2011).).Results of a few studies comparing different antimicrobial regimens are available(Rooneye et al. 2002;Haffajee et al・2007iAkincibayeEal・2008jMachtei&tbunis2008;Baltacioglu et al・2011;Silva et al・2011)・ No study has demonstrated better results than for systemic amoxicillin plus metronidazole with other protocols in any clinically or microbiologically defined variant of periodontal disease, but the comparison between metronidazole plus amoxicillin and metronidazole alone has not consistently shown significant benefits for the combination(Silva et al.2011).



臨床では、歯周治療は通常2段階で行われます。まず、フラップ手術の前に細菌の沈着物を取り除く試みが行われます。 3〜6か月後、症例は再評価され、必要と思われる場合はSRP、局所外科的介入を行います(図43-4)。

SRPの補助として全身的なメトロニダゾールで早期に治療された患者の外科的治療の必要性の減少を示す最初の研究(Loesche et al.1992)、および最初の抗菌薬治療の5年後の持続的利益を主張するその後の文献は(Loesche et al。 .2002)、歯周病のコミュニティの著名なメンバーに受け入れられませんでした。

(2)無傷のバイオフィルムに対する抗生物質の効果が少ないこと(Sedlacek&Walker2007)、非外科的機械的なアプローチには限界があること(Rabbani et al. 1981; Buchanan&Robertson1987)、歯肉縁下のバイオフィルムと歯石の完全な除去を保証するためのアクセスには外科的介入が必要な場合がありことなどがあげられます。

非外科的または外科的治療段階で抗生物質を処方することの相対的な利点を評価する系統的レビューは決定的でした(Herrera et al 2008)。
ただし、このレビューに含まれていない2つの研究では、歯周炎では、患者がアモキシシリンとメトロニダゾールを持続性病変の再治療後ではなく、最初のSRPの直後に投与された場合、より良い臨床転帰が達成されたと報告しています(Kaner et al el 2007b; Griffiths et al.2011)。

The optimal timing of antimicrobial drug administration is a subject of controversy(Table43-6). In clinical practice, periodontal therapy is usually performed in two stages. An attempt to remove bacterial deposits is made first without flap elevation. After3-6months the case is re-evaluated, and, if deemed necessary,further root surface instrumentation follows,this time in the context of a local surgical intervention(Fig.43-4).The first study demonstrating a reduced need for surgical therapy in patients who were treated early with systemic metronidazole as an adjunct to SRP(Loesche et al.1992), as well as a later publication claiming sustained benefits 5years after initial antimicrobial therapy (Loesche et al.2002),met with disapproval from prominent members of the periodontal community. Postponing antibiotic therapy to the second surgical treatment phase may be defended by two arguments: (1)as it is known that SRP alone is able to resolve a considerable amount of periodontal pathology on its own(Heitz-Mayfield et al・2002;van der Weijden&Timmerman2002), this strategy may help to restrict the prescription of antibiotics to a minimum;(2)given the restricted effects of antibiotics on intact biofilm(Sedlacek&Walker2007)and the known limitations of non-surgical mechanical debridement(Rabbani et al.1981;Buchanan&Robertson1987),Surgical intervention may be needed for access to assure complete removal of subgingival biofilm and calculus. As much as this reasoning seems logical, data from specifically designed controlled trials are unavailable to support this recommendation. Contrary to this view, the vast majority of trials have tested antibiotics as adjuncts to non-surgical debridement. A systematic review to assess the relative benefit of prescribing antibiotics either during the non-surgical or the surgical phase of therapy was in conclusive(Herrera et al 2008).However,two studies,not included in this review showed that for subjects with generalized aggressive periodontitis, better clinical outcomes were achieved if patients were given amoxicillin plus metronidazole immediately after initial SRP rather than after retreatment of persisting pathology(Kaner et al el 2007b;Griffiths et al.2011)


これらの調査結果と、破壊されていないバイオフィルムが細菌を抗生物質から保護するという事実に基づいて、機械療法の直後(換言すれば、非外科的治療の最後のセッションの後の夜)に抗菌療法を開始することをお勧めします。 いくつかの研究でそのように投与され、良好な結果が得られました。

Since in most cases mechanical periodontal therapy cannot be accomplished in one session for practical reasons, it is necessary to decide if the adjunctive systemic antimicrobial therapy should start before, during or after debridement. A comparison of outcomes from two studies,one prescribing metronidazole or placebo after the first session of debridement, and the other after the last session of debridement, yielded a significant protocol effect favoring medication after debridement(Loesche&Giordan01994). Based on these findings, and on the fact that undisturbed biofilm protects bacteria from the antibiotics, it is recommended that antimicrobial therapy commences immediately after mechanical therapy(i.e. in the evening after the last session of non-surgical treatment).Antibiotics have been administered that way in several studies with good outcomes.



In some cases, mechanical therapy is initially carried out without antimicrobials and evaluated after an appropriate period of time. If it is judged necessary to administer antibiotics at reevaluation, the subgingival area should be re-instrumented immediately before starting the antimicrobial regimen to reduce the bacterial mass as much as possible and to disrupt newly formed biofilm, even if there is no sign of subgingival persistence of hard deposits. This may be accomplished during a surgical intervention, but is indicated also if no further mechanical therapy seems necessary from a clinical point of view.


Selection of patients who may benefit most from systemic antibiotics

全身性抗生物質は、深いポケット、疾患の侵襲性のある形態、「活性」部位、または特定の微生物学的プロファイルを有する患者のSRPの補助薬と見なすことが推奨されています(Lindhe&Palmer 2002)。

To limit the development of microbial antibiotic resistance in general, and to avoid the risk of unwanted systemic effects of antibiotics for the treated individual, a precautionary restrictive attitude towards using antibiotics is appropriate. It has been recommended that systemic antibiotics should be considered as adjuncts to SRP for patients with deep pockets,aggressive forms of disease, “active” sites or specific microbiologic profiles(Lindhe&Palmer 2002).
However, strictly based on evidence from well performed randomized clinical trials, and with the exception of patients with known medical contraindications(e.g.confirmed hypersensitivity),it is difficult to define clear-cut exclusion criteria for antibiotic therapy. The following criteria will be addressed in more detail:disease severity,patient compliance′ diagnosis as aggressive or chronic periodontitis, microbiologic profile, and risk of adverse events.

病気の重症度(Disease severity)


It has been pointed out in several of the studies that were cited above that deep pockets benefitted more from antibiotics than shallow ones. Although in some trials treatment with antibiotics reduced PPD in moderately deep pockets by more than if no antibiotics were given, SRP alone is able to predictably resolve a considerable amount of pathology(Heitz-Mayfield et al.2002;van der Weijden&Timmerman2002).
Therefore,it is recommended that in the first place mild and moderate periodontitis are treated non-surgically and without antibiotics. Some studies have shown a certain benefit of antibiotics even when administered without meticulous subgingival debridement(Berglundh et al. 1998; Lopez&Gamonal 1998; Lopeze et al. 2000,2006). Nevertheless, systemic antibiotics should not be prescribed to counteract incomplete mechanical debridement. Furthermore, for a favorable clinical response and long-term stability,optimal plaque control by the patient is of paramount importance, independent of whether short-term treatment results were obtained with or without antibiotics(Kornmane et al. 1994).


With regards to diagnosis, it can be stated that not all therapies Work equally well in all forms of periodontal disease.It has been noted that after treatment with amoxicillin plus metronidazole patients have an extremely low incidence of suppuration(Rooney et al.2002;Cioncae et al.2009),pointing to a potential indication for this regimen particularly ln cases With active, suppurating lesions・The problem with recommendations for particular diagnoses is the lack of evidence from specifically designed studies evaluating outcomes of a particular therapy in subjects with different diagnoses. It is however clear from studies with very similar designs(e.g. Guerrero et al. 2005;Cionca et al.2009)that the most extensively tested regimen, amoxicillin plus metronidazole, has a beneficial effect in subjects with chronic and aggressive periodontitis.


Table 43-7 lists adjunctive systemic antibiotic regimens currently recommended for the therapy of periodontal diseases. Metronidazole alone has proven to be effective against P.gingvalis, Thnnerella forsythia,spirochetes,and other strictly anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria. Clindamycin and tetracyclines have also been shown to act on a broad range of periodontal bacteria. Therapy with a single antibiotic as an adjunct to mechanical instrumentation can change the composition of the subgingival microbiota significantly,but certain periodontal organisms cannot be eliminated predictably. The combination of amoxicillin plus metronidazole has a proven capacity to suppress A.actinomycetemcomitans from periodontitis lesions and other oral sites(van Winkelhoff et al.1989;Goene et al.1990;Pavicicetal.1992;VanWinkelhoff et al.1992;Pavicic et al・1994; BerglundhetaL1998月Iemmlgetai・1998b;Mombelli et al.2002;Dannewitz et al.2007)and is therefore the first choice of many clinicians, especially for the treatment of advanced A.actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis. For patients intolerant of amoxicillin,metronidazole combined with cefuroximaxetil or ciprofioxacin has been suggested(Rams et al.1992;van Winkelhoff&Winkel 2005).

最近の研究では、治療前のA.アクチノミセテムコミタンスの有無の微生物学的検査で、アモキシシリンとメトロニダゾールの併用療法が48時間以内にフルマウスのデブライドメントが行われた場合に特にメリットがある中等度から高度の歯周炎の患者を特定したかどうかが判断されました 。

The problem with issuing a strong recommendation that microbiologic testing should be performed prior to prescribing systemic antibiotics is the lack of unequivocal evidence that patients testing negative for certain bacteria do not benefit from treatment.In four randomized clinical trials(Flemmig et al・1998a;Winkel et al. 2001;Rooney et al・2002;Cioncae et al. 2010), a specific clinical benefit of amoxicillin plus metronidazole in A.actinomycetemcomitans-positive subjects only could not be demonstrated. On the contrary, the majority of the participants in these trials were A.actinonycetemcomitans negative ; hence, the benefit of amoxicillin plus metronidazole resulted to a large part from treatment of A.actinomycetemcomitans-negative patients. A recent study determined if microbiologic testing for the presence or absence of A.actinonycetemcomitans before therapy identified patients with moderate-to-advanced periodontitis who would specifically benefit from adjunctive amoxicillin plus metronidazole, when given in the context of full-mouth debridement within 48 hours.

この研究では、P.ジンジバリス陽性患者は有意に プラセボで治療した場合よりも抗生物質で治療した場合の方が良い結果を示しています。

It has been argued that the administration of antibiotics to P.gingvalis-negative patients may be overtreatment(van Winkelhoff&Winke12009). The authors who raised this issue cited their own study of 49 subjects with chronic periodontitis who were treated with full-mouth SRP and amoxicillin plus metronidazole or placebo(Winkel et al・2001). In this study,P.gingivalis-positive patients showed significantly better results when treated with antibiotics than when treated with placebo. However, a closer look at their data shows that the percentage of pockets of>4mm decreased to a very similar extent also in P.gingivalis-negative subjects treated with antibiotics. At least three other studies(Flemmig et al. 1998a;Rooney et al. 2002;Cionca et al・2010)clearly demonstrated a benefit of supplementing mechanical therapy with amoxicillin plus metronidazole in P.gingvalis-negative cases.

従来のアプローチでは、治療が数か月に及ぶ場合がありますが、SRPとアモキシシリンおよびメトロニダゾールは、数日以内に感染を解消できる可能性があります(Mombelli et al。 2011)。
SRPとアモキシシリンとメトロニダゾールは、GCFの炎症と炎症性バイオマーカーの臨床症状をSRP単独よりも大幅に減少させることが示されています(Giamopoulou et al・2006)。
臨床試験で直接確認されたわけではありませんが、一般的な健康の観点から、歯周治療の成功による好ましい全身効果から患者が早期に恩恵を受けることが望ましいようです(Noacketal・2001; D'AiutoeEal・2004'2005)。

The risk of adverse effects should be considered especially when prescribing more than one antibiotic. Although reported adverse effects tend to be minor,serious problems cannot be discounted. To put things into perspective, the frequency and consequences of adverse effects of antibiotics have to be balanced against the potential health consequences of not rapidly suppressing a periodontal infection, and the inconvenience,discomfort, and financial consequences of further therapy. The traditional approach sometimes expands treatment over several months, While SRP and amoxicillin plus metronidazole may be able to resolve the infection within a few days(Mombelli et al. 2011). SRP and amoxicillin plus metronidazole have been shown to decrease clinical signs of inflammation and inflammatory biomarkers in GCF more profoundly than SRP alone(Giamopoulou et al・2006). Although not directly confirmed by a clinical trial, it seems preferable, from a general health point of view,that patients benefit early from the positive systemic effects of successful periodontal therapy(Noacketal・2001;D’AiutoeEal・2004′2005).If the number of subjects complaining of gastrointestinal problems, notably diarrhea, were indeed higher in the test than the placebo groups of one clinical trial(Cioncaetal・2009), it is also worth considering that tooth loss and suppuration despite therapy were exclusively noted in the control group.



Minimizing the risk of the development of antimicrobial antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic therapy carries the risk of promoting the development of bacterial antibiotic resistance. Since periodontal diseases are not life threatening and can be managed largely without antibiotics,this concern needs to be taken seriously. However, the impact of various treatment protocols on the development of bacterial antibiotic resistance has unfortunately not been evaluated thus far in adequately designed clinical trials. Microbiologic evaluations will need to focus not only on their action against microorganisms directly involved in periodontal diseases, that is the predominantly Gram-negative complex of the subgingival microbiota, but also on organisms that are relevant for other reasons, Such as staphylococci or enterococci. The resistance developments of greatest concern today are MRSA(Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to methicillin and usually also to multiple other antibiotics), VRE(Enterococcus species resistant to vancomycin),PRSP(Streptococcus pneumoniae strains highly resistant to penicillin),and ESBL(Escherichia coli and other  Gram-negative bacteria resistant to antibiotics such as penicillins, cephalosporins, and monobactams).

混合歯肉縁下微生物叢では、いくつかの微生物単一の抗菌剤に対する耐性が常に期待できます(Ardila et al。 2010)。
一例として、上気道感染症に対する抗生物質の処方を受けている795人の子供を含む外来クリニックで行われたランダム化試験では、抗生物質の使用が薬剤の広がりに与える影響を最小限に抑えるための短期コースの高用量外来抗生物質療法の利点が実証されました。耐性肺炎球菌(Schrag et al。 2001)。
多くの古い研究におけるメトロニダゾールの古典的な経口投与量は、250mg t.i.d.でした。 10-14日間。この投与量は、体重が多い被験者には十分でない場合があります。今日、体重75〜80kg、メトロニダゾール500mg t.i.d. 7日間をお勧めします。
それらの過剰使用を制限するために、非外科的機械的創面切除のみで問題を解決できるという十分な証拠がある場合は常に、抗生物質を避けることをお勧めします。軽度から中等度の歯周炎の症例(van der Weijden&Timmerman2002)。
最後に重要なことですが、抗生物質の予防的使用は、リスクの高い患者と重篤な合併症の予防に限定する必要があります(Duval et al。 2006; Esposito et al。 2008;西村ほか2008; Berbari et al。 2010)。

Proposed strategies to reduce the risk of bacterial antimicrobial resistance are listed in Table43-8.In the mixed subgingival microbiota,some microorganisms Can always be expected to be resistant to any single antimicrobial agents(Ardila et al. 2010). To overcome single antibiotic resistance,combination therapies may therefore be advantageous. It has been recognized that the dose and duration of antimicrobial therapy are crucial parameters for resistance development. Suboptimal dosage of antibiotics,Caused by either inadequate prescribing or poor patient compliance, favors the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial clones.Clinical studies in other fields indicate that it is preferable to deliver antibiotics at a high dose over a short time. As an example, a randomized trial conducted in an outpatient clinic involving 795 children receiving antibiotic prescriptions for upper respiratory tract infections demonstrated the advantage of short-course,high-dose outpatient antibiotic therapy to minimize the impact of antibiotic use on the spread of drug-resistant pneumococci(Schrag et al. 2001). The classical oral dosage for metronidazole in many older studies was 250mg t.i.d. for 10-14 days. This dosage might not be sufficient in subjects with a high body mass. Today,for a person weighing 75-80kg,500mg metronidazole t.i.d. for 7 days is recommended. As discussed above, biofilm-associated infections are notoriously resistant to antimicrobial therapy unless the biofilm is disrupted mechanically. It is therefore reiterated here that all antimicrobial therapy should be preceded by mechanical debridement.To limit their overuse,it is further more recommended to avoid antibiotics whenever there is ample evidence that thorough non-surgical mechanical debridement alone can resolve the problem, as is the case for mild-to-moderate periodontitis(van der Weijden&Timmerman2002). Last but not least,the prophylactic use of antibiotics should be limited to high-risk patients and to the prevention of severe complications(Duval et al. 2006;Esposito et al. 2008;Nishimura et al 2008; Berbari et al. 2010).



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