



Routine scale and polish for periodontal health in adults.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Dec 27;12:CD004625.
Lamont T1, Worthington HV, Clarkson JE, Beirne PV.





Many dentists or hygienists provide scaling and polishing for patients at regular intervals, even for those at low risk of developing periodontal disease. There is debate over the clinical and cost effectiveness of 'routine scaling and polishing' and the optimal frequency at which it should be provided for healthy adults.
A 'routine scale and polish' treatment is defined as scaling or polishing, or both, of the crown and root surfaces of teeth to remove local irritational factors (plaque, calculus, debris and staining), which does not involve periodontal surgery or any form of adjunctive periodontal therapy such as the use of chemotherapeutic agents or root planning .
Routine scale and polish treatments are typically provided in general dental practice settings. The technique may also be referred to as prophylaxis, professional mechanical plaque removal or periodontal instrumentation. This review updates a version published in 2013.






1)To determine the beneficial and harmful effects of routine scaling and polishing for periodontal health.
2)To determine the beneficial and harmful effects of routine scaling and polishing at different recall intervals for periodontal health.
3)To determine the beneficial and harmful effects of routine scaling and polishing for periodontal health when the treatment is provided by dentists compared with dental care professionals (dental therapists or dental hygienists).



Cochrane Oral Healthの情報スペシャリストは、次のデータベースを検索しました:Cochrane Oral Healthの治験登録(2018年1月10日まで)、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials(CENTRAL)(The Cochrane Library、2017、Issue 12)、MEDLINE Ovid(1946 to 10 January) 2018)、およびEmbase Ovid(1980〜2018年1月10日)。米国国立衛生研究所のレジストリ(ClinicalTrials.gov)と世界保健機関の国際臨床試験レジストリプラットフォームで進行中の試験を検索しました。電子データベースを検索する際、言語や発行日に制限はしませんでした。

Cochrane Oral Health's Information Specialist searched the following databases: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (to 10 January 2018), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (the Cochrane Library, 2017, Issue 12), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 10 January 2018), and Embase Ovid (1980 to 10 January 2018). The US National Institutes of Health Trials Registry (ClinicalTrials.gov) and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were searched for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases.



重度歯周炎患者ではない健康な歯の成人を対象とした、口腔衛生指導の有無にかかわらず、定期的な歯石除去と歯面清掃のランダム化比較試験を行いました。 スプリットマウス試験は除外しました。

Randomised controlled trials of routine scale and polish treatments, with or without oral hygiene instruction, in healthy dentate adults without severe periodontitis. We excluded split-mouth trials.



2人のレビューアが検索の結果を包含基準に照らしてスクリーニングし、データを抽出して、バイアスのリスクを個別に、また重複して評価しました。連続データの平均差(MD)(または異なるスケールが報告された場合は標準化平均差(SMD))と95%信頼区間(CI)を計算しました。二分データのリスク比(RR)と95%CIを計算しました。メタ分析には固定効果モデルを使用しました。不足している情報を入手する必要がある場合は、研究著者に連絡しました。 GRADEアプローチを使用して証拠の確実性を評価しました。

Two review authors screened the results of the searches against inclusion criteria, extracted data and assessed risk of bias independently and in duplicate. We calculated mean differences (MDs) (or standardised mean differences (SMDs) when different scales were reported) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for continuous data. We calculated risk ratios (RR) and 95% CIs for dichotomous data. We used a fixed-effect model for meta-analyses. We contacted study authors when necessary to obtain missing information. We rated the certainty of the evidence using the GRADE approach.



分析には1711人の参加者を含む2つの研究を含めた。どちらの研究も英国の一般的な歯科診療で行われ、歯科医院に定期的に訪れる重度の歯周炎ではない成人が参加しました。 1つの研究では24か月、他の研究では36か月で結果を測定しました。どちらの研究も、有害作用、アタッチメントレベルの変化、歯の喪失または口臭は測定していませんでした。


歯肉炎のSMDは、6か月ごとのスケーリングと歯面清掃行ったものと行わなかったものを比較すると-0.01(95%CI -0.13から0.11、2つの試験、1087人の参加者)であり、12か月ごとに歯石除去を行ったものと行わなかったものの比較では- 0.04(95%CI -0.16から0.08; 2つの試験、参加者1091人)でした。定期的に歯石除去と歯面清掃を行ったものはそうでないものと比較して、2〜3年で微積分レベルの小さな減少をもたらしました(確実性の高い証拠)。

“6か月ごとの歯石除去と歯面清掃を行ったもの”対“行わなかったもの”のSMDは-0.32(95%CI -0.44〜-0.20、2つの試験、1088参加者)で、“12か月ごとの歯石除去と歯面清掃を行ったもの”対“行わなかったもの”の場合は-0.19(95% CI -0.31〜-0.07; 2つの試験、1088人の参加者)でした。これらのわずかな減少の臨床的意義は不明です。6か月および12か月の定期的な歯石除去と歯面清掃を受けた参加者の自己申告レベルは、定期的に受けなかった場合と比較して高かったが、エビデンスの確実性は低くなります。




比較3:歯科医によって行われる歯石除去と歯面清掃と、歯科医療専門家(歯科セラピストまたは衛生士)によるものと比較しました。この比較を評価した研究はありません。 コストに関するレビュー結果は不確かでした(非常に確実性の低い証拠)。

We included two studies with 1711 participants in the analyses. Both studies were conducted in UK general dental practices and involved adults without severe periodontitis who were regular attenders at dental appointments. One study measured outcomes at 24 months and the other at 36 months. Neither study measured adverse effects, changes in attachment level, tooth loss or halitosis.
Comparison 1: routine scaling and polishing versus no scheduled scaling and polishing. Two studies compared planned, regular interval (six- and 12-monthly) scale and polish treatments versus no scheduled treatment. We found little or no difference between groups over a two- to three-year period for gingivitis, probing depths, oral health-related quality of life (all high-certainty evidence) and plaque (low-certainty evidence).
The SMD for gingivitis when comparing six-monthly scale and polish treatment versus no scheduled treatment was -0.01 (95% CI -0.13 to 0.11; two trials, 1087 participants), and for 12-monthly scale and polish versus no scheduled treatment was -0.04 (95% CI -0.16 to 0.08; two trials, 1091 participants).Regular planned scale and polish treatments produced a small reduction in calculus levels over two to three years when compared with no scheduled scale and polish treatments (high-certainty evidence).
The SMD for six-monthly scale and polish versus no scheduled treatment was -0.32 (95% CI -0.44 to -0.20; two trials, 1088 participants) and for 12-monthly scale and polish versus no scheduled treatment was -0.19 (95% CI -0.31 to -0.07; two trials, 1088 participants). The clinical importance of these small reductions is unclear.Participants' self-reported levels of oral cleanliness were higher when receiving six- and 12-monthly scale and polish treatments compared to no scheduled treatment, but the certainty of the evidence is low.
Comparison 2: routine scaling and polishing at different recall intervals Two studies compared routine six-monthly scale and polish treatments versus 12-monthly treatments.
We found little or no difference between groups over two to three years for the outcomes of gingivitis, probing depths, oral health-related quality of life (all high-certainty evidence) and plaque (low-certainty evidence).
The clinical importance of this small reduction is unclear. The comparative effects of six- and 12-monthly scale and polish treatments on patients' self-reported levels of oral cleanliness were uncertain (very low-certainty evidence).
Comparison 3: routine scaling and polishing provided by dentists compared with dental care professionals (dental therapists or hygienists). No studies evaluated this comparison. The review findings in relation to costs were uncertain (very low-certainty evidence).




治療の費用に関する利用可能な証拠は不確かです。 研究は有害作用を評価しませんでした。

For adults without severe periodontitis who regularly access routine dental care, routine scale and polish treatment makes little or no difference to gingivitis, probing depths and oral health-related quality of life over two to three years follow-up when compared with no scheduled scale and polish treatments (high-certainty evidence).
There may also be little or no difference in plaque levels over two years (low-certainty evidence). Routine scaling and polishing reduces calculus levels compared with no routine scaling and polishing, with six-monthly treatments reducing calculus more than 12-monthly treatments over two to three years follow-up (high-certainty evidence), although the clinical importance of these small reductions is uncertain.
Available evidence on the costs of the treatments is uncertain. The studies did not assess adverse effects.





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