リンデ歯周病学 歯周病











Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 第6版第10章“Periodontal infection(歯周感染症)”のmicrobial pathogenesis of periodontal disease(細菌学的病因論)(212~216)の訳を掲載します。







The extensive microbiologic and analyses of periodontal infections over the last 100years have led to the formulation of a number of hypotheses on the fundamental nature of the pathogenesis of the disease. In each case, bacteria in dental plaque are acknowledged to be the critically important agent in driving an inflammatory response in the periodontal tissues, which can ultimately lead to destructive disease. Hence, whilst the processes of irreversible destruction of the soft tissues of the periodontium and the bony support structures of the teeth occur through host-mediated mechanisms, these are dependent upon stimulation by a bacterial challenge. However, the underlying principles of each of these hypotheses differ significantly.




この仮説の起源は、細菌の分離と同定の技術がまだ初期の段階にあった19世紀末までさかのぼります。 次第に、この病因の非特異的な見方はさらなる検討を加えられるようになりました。

It was first believed that periodontal disease was the cumulative effect of all the bacterial species found in dental plaque. This non-specific plaque hypothesis held that the precise microbial composition of dental Plaque was not the critical determinant of disease, rather it was the magnitude of the total bacteria challenge, or the amount of dental plaque, in juxtaposition with the periodontal tissues, that was the overriding factor determining the balance between health and disease. The origins of this hypothesis extend as far back as the end of the 19th century when bacterial isolation and identification techniques were still in their infancy. Gradually,this non-specific view of the etiology came under increasing scrutiny.





First, it was clear that the presence of large accumulations of dental plaque in some individuals did not lead to destructive disease or, in some instances,even mild symptoms of inflammation. Furthermore, the increased sophistication of clinical microbiology was beginning to demonstrate that there were very marked differences in the microbial composition of dental plaque taken from sites in patients with disease in comparison to healthy sites in the same patient or indeed from healthy individuals. Hence, the prevailing view altered to one in which the presence and Potential over growth of specific bacteria, or Periodontal pathogens,was decisive.







The specific plaque hypothesis(Loesche1979)has since provided the conceptual framework for much of the investigation of the microbial etiology of periodontal disease. More detailed investigations of the microbiota has led to the identification of increasing numbers of bacterial species which appear to be more associated with disease than health.Patterns in the association between different bacterial species in different clinical conditions were observed and encouraged the view that there may be specific combinations or complexes of species that are the most critical in the development of disease. Importantly the pathogenic potential of some of these candidate species, either singly or in combination, came under investigation in both animal models and in vitro systems. This led to the development of plausible biologic mechanisms by which these specific organisms could contribute to the promotion or deregulation of an inflammatory response and/or impaired immune defense of the periodontal tissues.








The diagnostic and treatment implications of the specific plaque hypothesis are self-evident. If specific bacterial species are the driving force of the disease, then identification of the presence of these organisms in an individual ought to be helpful in predicting clinical outcome. Furthermore, targeted treatment strategies which aim to eliminate or at least control these particular organisms, rather than necessarily attempting to eliminate the entire microbial population, should be clinically beneficial. The specific plaque hypothesis also raises the issue of where and how these organisms are acquired. If they are acquired exogenously, that is transmitted from another individual rather than being component members of the oral microbiota acquired early in life, then strategies which prevent or limit transmission in the human population could be considered beneficial in the same way as prevention of transmission of more well-known medically important human pathogens is an accepted and successful public health measure.


歯周細菌がいつどのように歯周組織に定着するかという問題はその後、対立仮説 - 生態学的プラーク仮説(Marsh 2003)によって答えが与えられました。





This latter issue has been subsequently addressed by an alternative hypothesis-the ecological plaque hypothesis(Marsh2003). In this thesis ,the contribution of the environment in which the bacteria of dental plaque reside is paramount. The varying abilities of different bacteria to grow and proliferate under different environmental conditions will dictate the balance of microbial communities at any given site on the tooth surface. For example, in a periodontal pocket where the pH can rise to well over 7, those bacteria most well suited to grow at alkaline pH will be able to out compete those bacteria most suited to more acidic conditions. Similarly, organisms able to withstand the antimicrobial properties of the host’s inflammatory response will be more predominant at inflamed sites in the periodontium than those bacteria ill-equipped for this injurious environment. Hence, the composition of microbial communities in disease will be intimately linked to the environmental conditions prevalent at a diseased site.





そうすることで、新しく勢力をもった微生物群集は、歯周組織に対して異なるそして潜在的により傷害的な攻撃を与え、それ故 細菌を除去することができずに炎症の増大は続くでしょう。



Shifts in the environmental conditions due to , for example, the introduction of different nutrients with the arrival of a plasma exudate in the form of gingival crevicular fluid(GCF),will lead to concomitant shifts in the microbial community. Organisms previously limited in their growth due to, for example, only very low concentrations of their on source ,hemin ,will have the nutritional capacity to increase in number and potentially out compete those bacteria most frequently found in health where low or no GCF is present .Those bacteria able to withstand the killing effects of migratory phagocytic cells will be able to increase in number at the expense of those organisms susceptible to these killing mechanisms. In so doing, the newly selected microbial community will present a different and potentially more injurious challenge to the periodontal tissues and hence the escalation of increasing inflammation coupled to frustrated bacterial clearance will continue.Importantly,the ecological plaque hypothesis allows for the fact that potential periodontal pathogens may be present in health, albeit in relatively low numbers, but with the capacity to become more dominant members of the community when the environmental conditions favor their competitiveness over the other, more health-associated,members of the microbiota. Thus,this hypothesis can explain the microbial specificity of the disease without the requirement for the acquisition of these periodontal pathogens via an exogenous route of transmission in order to initiate the disease.


This evolving view of the pathogenesis of periodontal disease now has a further modification which incorporates elements of all the preceding views, both specific and non-specific, and acknowledges the fundamental importance of dysbiosis of the normally benign microbial populations of the tooth surface in the development of disease(Darveau et al.2012).



しかしながら、それは、歯周病のマウスモデルにおける観察により、疾患の推定される重要な特定の病原体の1つである、P.gingivalis - 歯周細菌のレッドコンプレックスが正常なマイクロバイオータをかく乱した状態に変化させることで疾患に寄与することを示す観察によって著しく強化されます。

これらの研究は、ごく少数のP.gingvalisが存在する場合に、口腔内共生微生物叢が歯周炎に関連する組織および骨の破壊に関与していることを実証しました(Hajishengallis et al. ,2011)。

The essence of this more recent concept of pathogenesis comes primarily from the recognition of the global population changes that occur to the microbiota in periodontal disease. However, it is significantly reinforced by observations in the mouse model of periodontal disease showing that one of the presumed key specific agents of the disease, P.gingivalis-a member of the “red complex” of periodontal bacteria, contributes to disease by altering the normal oral microbiota to a dysbiotic state(Hajishengallis et al.,2011). These studies demonstrated that the oral commensal microbiota is responsible for the tissue and bone destruction associated with periodontitis when just low numbers of P.gingvalis are present.


この発見は、P.gingivalis 菌が炎症の強力な誘発物質ではないことをいくつかの調査が証明したときに、P.gingivalisが歯周病における重要な特異的病原体と見なされることに関連する明白なパラドックスを説明するのに役立ちます(Curtis et al.2011)。

本章で前述したように、P .gingivalisのLPSは異常に低い炎症効力を有し、さらにこの細菌はLPSに対する先天性免疫受容体の一つの拮抗作用を通して炎症を促進するよりむしろ阻害するリピドA構造を合成することができます。






This finding helps explain an apparent paradox associated with P.gingivalis being regarded as a key specific agent in periodontal disease when several lines of investigation have demonstrated that this bacterium is not a potent inducer of inflammation(Curtis et al.2011).For example, as described earlier in this chapter, the LPS of P.gingivalis has an unusually low inflammatory potency and furthermore this bacterium is able to synthesize a lipid A structure that inhibits rather than promotes inflammation through antagonism of one of the innate immune receptors for LPS,Toll-1ike receptor4.This is in stark contrast to the highly inflammatory properties of the LPS produced by most other bacteria and challenges the view that exacerbation of the inflammatory response by P.gingivalis is a driving force in the development of periodontal disease. In addition, P.gingivalis is unusual in that it does not induce secretion of interleukin-8(IL-8)by gingival epithelial cells,unlike a variety of other oral bacteria. Instead, it actually inhibits the secretion of this potent chemokine for neutrophil recruitment through a phenomenon termed local chemokine paralysis(Darveau et at.1998).Once again,such an anti-inflammatory property,in this case down-regulation of phagocytic cell trafficking into the periodontium, is contrary to the properties one would anticipate to be a prerequisite of an organism which drives the disease process through up-regulation of the inflammatory response. These apparent paradoxes can however be explained if periodontitis is viewed as a community disease reliant upon an entire dysfunctional microbiota as opposed to the traditional view of a conventional infectious disease caused by a single, multiple or indeed complexes of periodontal pathogens.










キーストーン種の概念は生態学的研究から派生したものであり、豊富に存在していながらも生態系コミュニティ全体に大きな支持的役割を果たす種として定義されている(Hajishengallis et al.2012)。

The evidence that the commensal microbiota may significantly contribute to periodontitis was obtained when the disease experience of germ-free mice, which are not colonized with any bacteria, was compared to that of the well-established P.gingivalis murine model of periodontal disease with an intact commensal microbiota. Although both groups of mice were colonized in the oral cavity to the same extent with P.gingivalis, only the mice with a commensal microbiota developed bone loss. Furthermore, in the conventional animals,there was a very significant change in the commensal microbiota.First,the total load of the commensal organisms rose by approximately 2log10 units. Second, there was a qualitative shift in the population structure of this commensal microbiota, leading to loss of detection of some organisms and the appearance of others. The demonstration that P.gingivalis colonized both germ-free and conventional animals, yet only the conventional mice developed disease and the very significant changes in the oral commensal community in these animals, indicated
that the commensal bacteria themselves are necessary for and directly contribute to the bone loss observed in this model. In addition, and based upon the fact that P.gingivalis was present in very low abundance yet had such a profound effect on both the amount and composition of the oral microbiota and resulted in periodontal disease, this bacterium was designated a ”keystone” species in this work. The concept of a keystone species derives from ecologic studies and is defined as a species that is present in low abundance yet provides a major supporting role for an entire ecologic community(Hajishengallis et al.2012). 







ヒトにおける疾患研究へのP.gingivalisの重要な貢献と一致して、P.gingivalisは罹患部位の総口内微生物叢と比較して少ない存在量で頻繁に存在することを示しています(Kumar et al.2006)。




Hence, admittedly only in a model of the disease, P.gingivalis contributes to destructive periodontitis in an indirect fashion. Rather than a direct effect on host tissue function , its presence, even at low abundance, alters the total commensal microbial load and composition which overwhelms normal host tissue protective mechanisms and results in disease. The qualitative changes in the microbiota may include an increase in the numbers of more harmful bacteria and/or a shift in the balance of the microbiota away from organisms which are potentially protective. The mechanisms through which P.gingivalis accomplishes this significant microbial change are still only partially understood, but are probably related to inhibition of key features of the normal host protective mechanisms in the periodontium, as shown in Fig.10-16. Consistent with a keystone contribution of P.gingivalis to disease studies in humans have shown that P.gingivalis is frequently present in low abundance when compared to the total oral microbiota in diseased sites(Kumar et al.2006).It remains to be determined whether other members of the oral microbiota designated as periodontal pathogens in Table10-3 share similar ”keystone species”-like properties to P.gingivalis in being able to shape the quantity and qualitative nature of the entire microbial community; this model leaves open that possibility. However, the key features of the model are consistent with many of the microbiologic observations of periodontal infections and combine elements of both the non-specific hypothesis, through acknowledgment of the fundamental importance of the total microbial load of the entire microbiota, and of the specific plaque hypothesis, through acknowledging the role of individual bacterial species.









-リンデ歯周病学, 歯周病

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