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PG菌はキーストーン種であるという論文(Porphyromonas Gingivalis as a Potential Community Activist for Disease)を紹介します。

Porphyromonas Gingivalis as a Potential Community Activist for Disease
R P Darveau 1, G Hajishengallis, M A Curtis
J Dent Res.2012 Sep;91(9):816-20. doi: 10.1177/0022034512453589. Epub 2012 Jul 6.



「P. ジンジバリスは共生歯周微生物群の組成や外観を変えることで、歯周炎を発症していると考えられ、P.ジンジバリスはキーストーン種であると考えられる」














これらの細菌の1つであるポリフィロモナス ジンジバリスを用いた研究により、歯周組織の防御機構を妨害または調節するいくつかの機構が含まれていることが明らかになりました。
歯周炎のマウスモデルでは、P. ジンジバリスによる補体機能の調節が、正常なマイクロバイオータの量と組成の両方の大幅な変化を促進することが示されています。
こうして、P. ジンジバリスは、宿主と歯垢の間にディスバイオシスを引き起こし、これは歯周炎が開始されるメカニズムの1つであると考えられます。
それゆえ、P. ジンジバリスをキーストーン病原体と呼びました。

An extensive analysis of dental plaque samples over the years has led to the identification of "red" complex oral bacteria that have a strong association with each other and with disease. Consequently, these bacteria have been labeled 'periopathogens'. Studies with one of these bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, have revealed that it contains several different mechanisms which either impede or modulate periodontal protective mechanisms. In a mouse model of periodontitis, it has been shown that modulation of complement function by P. gingivalis facilitates a significant change in both the amount and composition of the normal oral microbiotia. This altered oral commensal microbiota is responsible for pathologic bone loss in the mouse. Thus, P. gingivalis creates a dysbiosis between the host and dental plaque, and this may represent one mechanism by which periodontitis can be initiated. We have therefore termed P. gingivalis a keystone pathogen.


3種類の口腔細菌– ポリフィロモナス ジンジバリス、タネレラ フォーシシア、およびトレポネーマ デンティコラ –の検出は互いに強く関連しており、病変部位と関連しています。

Periodontitis has a rich history of proposed microbial etiologies, eloquently described by Socransky (Socransky and Haffajee, 1994). The varied hypotheses presented over the years have implicated possible etiological agents drawn from almost the complete range of the animal kingdom. This history underscores the difficulty in understanding the complex interactions between diverse microbial communities and the host. However, because of the relative ease and non-invasive nature of sampling the oral cavity, it has been possible to conduct comprehensive analyses of the oral microbiota in both health and disease (Socransky et al., 1998). Among other findings, these studies led to the identification of a “red” complex: 3 species of oral bacteria – Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola – whose detection was strongly associated with each other and with diseased sites. This landmark work and other contemporaneous studies (e.g., Curtis et al., 2011) naturally led to the investigation of potential virulence factors for these bacteria, for a fuller understanding of their association with disease. Since P. gingivalis has long been associated with periodontal disease, has a well-characterized population structure, and, critically, is the easiest of these 3 bacteria to grow and genetically manipulate, it consequently became the most well-studied (Lamont and Jenkinson, 1998; Curtis et al., 2001).






マニピュレーター;immune manipulator・・巧妙または悪質な方法で他者を制御または影響する人。

However, studies with P. gingivalis presented an apparent paradox in which a bacterium that was strongly associated with an inflammatory disease was not a potent inducer of inflammation. For example, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of P. gingivalis revealed an unusually low inflammatory potency, and, in fact, a P. gingivalis lipid A structure acting as TLR4 antagonist that inhibits inflammation has been discovered and characterized (Darveau et al., 1995). These surprising results stand in contrast to the well-characterized, highly inflammatory LPS obtained from Escherichia coli and many other Gram-negative bacteria (Munford and Varley, 2006). Furthermore, P. gingivalis was unusual in that it did not induce IL-8 secretion by gingival epithelial cells, unlike a variety of other oral bacteria and, in fact, inhibited the secretion of this potent chemokine for neutrophil recruitment (Darveau et al., 1998). This phenomenon was termed ‘local chemokine paralysis’ and reinforced the emerging view that P. gingivalis did not demonstrate characteristics normally associated with a bacterium contributing to an inflammatory disease. More recently, continued studies with P. gingivalis have revealed that it is an excellent immune manipulator, in that it is able to selectively induce only a limited repertoire of inflammatory responses from leukocytes through receptor cross-talk mechanisms (Hajishengallis et al., 2008; Liang et al., 2011). Specifically, it can inhibit leukocyte-mediated bacteria-killing mechanisms (Wang et al., 2010). These apparent paradoxes can be explained, however, if periodontitis is viewed as a community disease reliant upon an entire dysfunctional microbiota, as opposed to the traditional view of a conventional infectious disease caused by a single or even multiple select periopathogens (Hajishengallis et al., 2011).


当初、共生微生物群集が歯周炎に大きく寄与している可能性があるという証拠は、細菌が定着していない無菌(GF)マウスと、通常の特定病原体フリー(SPF)のマウスにP. gingivalis強制経口投与して比較したときに得られました 。
驚くべきことに、SPFマウスは定量的リアルタイムPCRに基づいて上顎あたり約100個のP. ジンジバリス細胞(50〜350の範囲、総細菌細胞の<0.01%を表す) が検出できたことは、共生微生物叢の変化において非常に有意義でした。
まず、P。ジンジバリスに感染したSPFマウスの口腔スワブのコロニー形成単位に基づいて測定された総微生物負荷は、約2 log10単位上昇しました。

Initially, evidence that the commensal microbial community may significantly contribute to periodontitis was obtained when the disease experience of germ-free (GF) mice, which are not colonized with any bacteria, was compared with that of normal specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice in the well-established P. gingivalis gavage model (Baker et al., 2000). Although both SPF and GF mice were colonized in the oral cavity with P. gingivalis to the same extent, only SPF mice developed bone loss. Remarkably, though only approximately 100 P. gingivalis cells per maxilla (ranges from 50-350, representing < 0.01% of the total bacterial cells)/SPF mouse could be detected on the basis of quantitative real-time PCR, there was a very significant change in the commensal microbiota. First, the total microbial load measured on the basis of colony-forming units in oral swabs of P. gingivalis-infected SPF mice rose by approximately 2 log10 units. Second, there was a qualitative shift in the population structure of this commensal microbiota, leading to loss of detection of some organisms and the appearance of others. The demonstration that P. gingivalis colonized both GF and SPF mice, yet only SPF mice developed bone loss, coupled with the significant changes in the oral commensal community indicated that P. gingivalis induced dysbiosis, or a microbial shift in the commensal composition. Furthermore, the lack of disease in GF mice indicated that the commensal bacteria themselves are necessary for and directly contribute to the bone loss observed in this model.



Two independent experimental approaches confirmed that oral commensal bacteria directly contribute to bone loss in the mouse. Initially, it was observed that GF mice have significantly more alveolar bone when compared with strain- and age-matched SPF mice. These measurements, which determine the gap between the alveolar crest and the cement-enamel junction, were less in GF mice. The first experimental evidence that commensals cause bone loss was the demonstration that as the SPF, but not the GF, mouse ages, the distance between the alveolar crest and the cement-enamel junction increases. This “natural” bone loss was associated with an increase in numerous inflammatory mediators in the oral tissues of SPF compared with those of GF mice, indicating that commensals naturally stimulate periodontal tissue, and this results in some non-pathologic bone loss. The second approach demonstrated that the acquisition of oral commensals by GF that have been co-caged with SPF mice resulted in bone loss. In these experiments, it was determined that after 2 wks of co-caging, GF mice had acquired an oral microbiota identical to that of SPF mice, and after 16 wks, the GF mice had lost bone to levels similar to those of their strain-matched SPF cage-mates. Analysis of these data demonstrated that bone loss in the mouse is a natural result of commensal colonization and represents a manifestation of the homeostatic relationship between the host and its oral microbial community.



Next, it was found that the natural bone loss induced by commensal colonization required complement. SPF mice deficient in either the C3a or C5a receptor (C3aR-/- or C5aR-/-) appeared similar to the GF mice in that they had more alveolar bone than their strain- and age-matched wild-type controls. Furthermore, it was found that one mechanism by which P. gingivalis induces accelerated bone loss in this mouse model was by disrupting the homeostatic relationship between the commensal oral microbiota and the complement system. C3aR-/- or C5aR-/- mice neither lost bone nor displayed a significant change in the number of commensal oral bacteria after gavage with P. gingivalis. Consistent with earlier observations that P. gingivalis can manipulate the host complement system through the gingipain-dependent proteolytic cleavage of complement and subsequent cross-talk on the leukocyte cell surface (Liang et al., 2011), a gingipain-deficient P. gingivalis strain (rgpA-/-, rgpB-/-, kgp-/-) also failed to induce bone loss or increase the oral commensal microbiota. Therefore, it appears that P. gingivalis can modulate the commensal-host homeostasis dialogue by altering complement function. This modulation increases inflammation and bone destruction. It was estimated that the bone loss seen in young SPF mice after 6-week colonization by P. gingivalis is equivalent to the bone loss seen in untreated SPF mice (i.e., not inoculated with P. gingivalis) at 18 mos of age.



Finally, these studies (Hajishengallis et al., 2011) demonstrated that P. gingivalis was not necessary to induce bone loss when immune deficiencies in the host altered the homeostatic relationship with the oral commensal microbiota. For example, mice deficient in neutrophil homing to the junctional epithelium, because of either the lack of the neutrophil leukocyte integrin, LFA-1, or the absence of the chemokine receptor, CXCR2, displayed an increase in the oral commensal microbiota and developed significant bone loss when compared with their wild-type control strains. In fact, the bone loss in LFA-1-/- mice was correlated with an increase in the numbers of oral commensal bacteria in these knock-out animals, and this bone loss did not occur when antibiotics were administered. This is similar to a much earlier publication in P- and E-selectin double-knockout mice which showed the same effect of an increased oral microbial load and increased bone loss, compared with wild-type mice, which was abrogated upon the administration of antibiotics (Niederman et al., 2001). Analysis of these data demonstrated that disruption of periodontal homeostasis by several different mechanisms can result in bone loss, but the contribution of the commensal microbiota appears to be a common factor.



Based upon the fact that P. gingivalis was present in low abundance yet had such a profound effect on both the amount and composition of the oral microbiota, leading to periodontitis, we have designated this bacterium a “keystone” species. The concept of a keystone species derives from ecological studies and is defined as a species that is present in low abundance yet provides a major supporting role for an entire ecological community (Paine, 1969; Power et al., 1996). We were able to demonstrate that the continued presence of low numbers of P. gingivalis was required for the significant increase in mouse oral microbiota which was associated with disease. Moreover, P. gingivalis could be viewed as a ‘keystone pathogen’, that is, a keystone species which supports and remodels a microbial community in ways that also promote disease pathogenesis .



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